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Nancy's Kitchen Quick and Easy Recipes
August 2008 Recipes
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Flank Steak

1 pkg Flank Steak (usually enough for 4 servings (2 meals for us)
Dale's Seasoning Sauce

Sauce To Serve With Steak:
Mix Heinz 57 with Horseradish

Directions for flank: Pour Dales Seasoning Sauce into a Zip Log bag and place the steak in it and refrigerate for several hours. Remove the marinated steak and cut into slices (about 1/2" wide) ON THE DIAGNOL, i.e. AGAINST THE GRAIN.

Preheat the George Foreman grill for 4 minutes and place slices on it. Close and cook for about four minutes. Serve with the steak sauce.

I just want to add this is my old standby for a favorite, embarrassingly easy, dinner of ours. Add some brown rice, an asparagus salad, BBQ bread and you can serve anybody that happens by and they will love it.

Barbara in AL

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