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Flourless Chocolate Cake
adapted from

4 ounces fine-quality bittersweet chocolate (not unsweetened; I used Valhrona)
1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter
3/4 cup sugar
3 large eggs
A small pinch of salt
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder plus additional for sprinkling

Preheat oven to 375?F and butter an 8-inch round baking pan. Line bottom with parchment paper, then butter the parchment as well.

Chop chocolate into small pieces. In a double boiler or metal bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water melt chocolate with butter, stirring, until smooth. Remove top of double boiler or bowl from heat and whisk sugar into chocolate mixture. Add eggs, and pinch of salt and whisk well. Sift 1/2 cup cocoa powder over chocolate mixture and whisk until just combined. Pour batter into pan and bake in middle of oven 25 minutes, or until top has formed a thin crust. Cool cake in pan on a rack 5 minutes and invert onto a serving plate.

Dust cake with confectioners? sugar or with cocoa powder.
I love to serve mine with homemade whipped cream and strawberries.

You can make a chocolate glaze for this. See here: chocolate glaze

Makes one 8 inch cake.
For pictures visit my food blog
Dawn - Cape Cod, MA

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