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Good afternoon Nancy!
I had some taco meat left over from another meal and decided to make this Frito pie. It was so good! As you can see, I did a couple of things a little different, but wanted to use up some left- overs. We still have a meal left in the pan!

Frito Pie

1 (6 oz.) pkg. Frito or Doritos corn chips ? I used Frito Scoops
1 med. onion, chopped
about ? to 1 c. leftover taco flavored cooked hamburger
1 c. grated cheddar cheese ? I used 5 kind Mexican shredded cheese
1 (36 oz.) can hot, spicy chili and 2/3 can water, stirred together*
1 tsp. chili powder
Salt and pepper to taste

Mix chili powder into chili, and then alternate Fritos, cheese, onion, and chili, making two layers of each in a 9 x 9 baking dish. Make final layer of cheese. Cover and bake on top rack of oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Garnish and serve with chopped lettuce, tomatoes, onions, black olives and sour cream. Source:

*I used a #2 can of Wolf Brand Chili and ? #2 can of refried beans and ? to 2/3 can water. Chris
in NM

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