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August 2008 Recipes
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Ways to Fix Cucumbers

Hi Nancy and everyone. Been so busy with gardening and helping out my daughter with our new grand baby that I am behind in reading the newsletters. Sue asked about ways to make tasty cucumbers in the July 25 newsletter and I would like to share a few of our favorite ways ( besides just eating them picked off the vine--yum) Slice cucumbers in rounds about 1/4 inch thick, as many as you want. Put sour cream in a small bowl and mix in sugar until slightly sweet. Pour this over the cucumbers and mix . Put in fridge for an hour and them serve. This is my DH's favorite way to eat them. Due to diet needs, I now use fat free sour cream and Splenda and he still loves them.

I mix apple cider vinegar with sugar and pour over cucumbers and let marinate in this mixture for an hour or two in the fridge. I often add sliced sweet onions to this also. I now use Spenda in this. Very good.

We often use Italian salad dressing like you said you do, Sue, but next time mix in some mayonnaise with the salad dressing to make a creaming Italian dressing for your cucumbers. My son's favorite.

Hope this gives a few new ideas, Sue.

Blessing to you, Nancy. You are so very special to us all.
Ginny Lee-upstate NY.

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