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Just a little change from everyday cucumber salad. Last night I slice the cucumbers, added some sliced vidalia onion and then used white balsamic vinegar instead of white or malt vinegar. I topped it with a turn of EVOO (as Rachael Ray would say). They then sat and marinated for about 2 hours. It gave me the sweetness that I like without the use of sugar.

Duplicate newsletter deletes will be done on Thursday.
Nancy Rogers

Hi Nancy and Landers
I have noticed a few requests for malted ball chocolate cakes recently. I have one which is more a loaf than a cake and would advise you wear an apron and tape your mouth firmly closed before beginning. Remember a minute on your lips a month on your hips. Make yourself feel a little better, serve with fresh strawberries/raspberries.

Malted Chocolate Ball Loaf
2 tbsp golden syrup
3 oz butter
2 tbsp cocoa powder
6 oz crushed digestive biscuits (graham crackers?)
1 x 6 oz packet malted chocolate balls

Line a 1lb loaf tin with non-stick paper. Melt the butter and syrup over a gentle heat. Stir in the cocoa powder, digestive biscuits and half the chocolate balls. Allow to cool for 5 minutes then stir in the remainder of the chocolate balls. Turn the mixture into the prepared tin, place in fridge to set for a couple of hours or so.

Does anyone have a TNT recipe for Halva? It is a sweet cake which I have eaten in the Middle East, but also enjoyed in Corfu, it's nutty and has sesame seeds in it.
Sylvia <Scotland>

This is the busy time of the year and not as many requests, replies and responses are sent.  Just before school starts many parents, grandparents, teachers and other members are really busy. Some newsletters will be longer than others.
Nancy Rogers

Nancy, a few years ago we went on vacation to Traverse City, Michigan to sight see and we went on a ship called Schooner Manitou. We went out on Lake Michigan on the Schooner Manitou and it was late enough in the afternoon that we had a sack dinner. We also were able to see the sunset and it was beautiful. It happened to be in August that we took this trip and normally that time of the day you don't have to wear anything even out on the water. Will that year they were not having normal weather and it was cold. Neither of us had any jackets sweatshirts or anything like that so we had to find a K-Mart, Wal-Mart of a Meijer's store to get something warm. The trip on this ship was great and we bought a cookbook that they had and I have made some of the recipes from it. This trip out on the water is about 3 or so hours and if you are near Traverse City anytime you should take this wonderful short trip. You can stay on the ship and sleep on it then in the morning you will have breakfast. We didn't so that. The following recipe is one I have been making since we got back.

Doughnut Muffins
1/3 cup oil
1 egg
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup milk
1-1/2 cup flour
1-1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

Combine first 4 ingredients; oil, egg, sugar and milk. Sift dry ingredients; flour, baking powder, salt and nutmeg adding these to the first; wet ingredients. Scoop into greased or paper lined muffin tins. Put small pot of butter on each one. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar mixture. Bake at 350? for 20 minutes, or until tested done. Makes 12 muffins.

Everyone have a great day. Nancy and 4 legged associates take care, stay safe and cool. I wish you the best in your move and I am so glad nothing was wrong on Saturday.

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To Leslie in Texas
I just asked Angie in Ohio if she had a recipe for sourdough pancakes and I should have been asking you. Guess I had another senior moment. Hope nobody else has those. So Leslie in Texas,do you have a recipe for sourdough pancakes? If you do would you share?
Thanks, Betty in Colorado

This is for Roz in Indy and her request for a cobbler topping that stays crisp.
I have 2 T&T recipes that I think might be what she is looking for, and also for any other Nancy family members that might want to try them. They're yummy!

Apple Crisp (topping stays crisp)

8 apples, cut into slices

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Layer the apples in a 7 1/2 X 12 (approx) size pan, sprinkling to your taste with sugar and cinnamon between layers.

Mix in a bowl until it crumbles:
1 c. flour
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 t. baking powder
1/4 t. salt
1 egg, beaten

Sprinkle on top of apples and drizzle with 4 T. melted butter on top. Bake for approximately 40 minutes or until the top is browned and crisp.
Barb in San Diego

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Berry Cookie Cobbler
2 bags (12 oz. each) mixed berries, thawed
1 can (21 oz) apple pie filling
1/3 c. sugar
1 1/2 t. cinnamon
1 roll (18 oz.) sugar cookie dough (Pillsbury)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a large bowl, mix berries, pie filling, sugar and cinnamon. Transfer fruit mixture to an 9 x 13 dish. Crumble cookie dough over fruit, covering thickly and completely. Bake uncovered until cookie crust is golden and crisp and juices bubble thickly, about 45 minutes.
Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.
Barb in San Diego

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For Florence, looking for recipes for two -- I had a favorite cooking for 2 website and couldn't remember it, so I googled cooking for two and my goodness, there are a lot of them, so I'm passing on the idea...
Eve in humid WI

Hi Nancy, thanks for this forum that has improved over the years to the spectacular site it now is, I don't know how you do it. In the Cinnamon Pickles recipe from 8 /2 & 3 it calls for 8 & 1/2 "gallons" of water.
Can this be right? Thanks again Anne

I called MIL She just covers the pickles but the recipe says 8 1/2 gallons water.
Amy Byrd

Hi to Florence in Indiana. I also live alone and I get some recipes from
Also I check recipes for ideas and ones I can cut in half.

Also check out
Both have helped me a lot. With measuring cups and spoons I can cut almost any package food in half, like hamburger helper, wrap the 2nd part secure and put back in the box so I remember what it is.

Also to Barb in San Diego, what you said to Betty in GA was beautiful. My husband passed away 14 months ago, and my life changed forever, all I have are treasures.
Sandy in New Philly

Thanks to Chris in NM for finding the Pistachio Zucchini Bread recipe. Our church is having a bake sale this week-end and I thought this would be a great recipe to try. Thanks for your help.
BG in Indy

Good morning Nancy and all Landers,
I have a suggestion for Roberts wife in Ohio for her zucchini bars being dry. I found a great recipe for zucchini bars and they turned out too dry so next time I made them I added one small jar of strained baby food carrots. Wow, what a difference and didn't affect the taste at all. My Mom couldn't get over how moist they were and the taste was wonderful. Sometimes we wonderful cooks just have to improvise to get things to come out right lol.
Dianne in Wisconsin

I tried this recipe from Tona on Sun. and boy was it good. I doubled the recipe and everyone commented on how moist and tender the chicken was.
Mary Jo in MD

Garlic Chicken Melt
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (about 1 1/2 lbs)
1 envelope Lipton Recipe Secrets Savory Herb With Garlic Soup Mix 1 can (14 ounce) diced tomatoes, undrained or large tomato, chopped 1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella or monterey jack cheese (about 2 ounce)
Preheat oven to 375. In 13x9 roasting pan, arrange chicken. Pour soup mix blended with tomatoes and oil over chicken.

Bake uncovered for 25 minutes or until chicken is thoroughly cooked. Sprinkle with cheese and bake an additional 2 minutes or until cheese is melted.

Paula, If your students are 4 or 5 years old they may not yet have the dexterity for fine work like cutting with scissors so early in the school year. I used to take small brown paper bags and have them rip up old newspaper and crunch it and stuff the bag. Twist the top, tie it shut and have them paint it with sponge pieces and orange tempra paint to make a pumpkin. They can glue triangle shaped black eyes and nose and draw a mouth with black magic marker,or use black magic marker for all the features.

I remember making spiders with sections of cardboard egg cartons , letting them punch holes with a single hole puncher and sticking pipe cleaners through the holes to make legs. Now how many legs does a spider have? Have orange and black play dough available at a table with Halloween cookie cutters and small rolling pins ( I used to rob the block area of those small cylinder blocks for this).A collage table with orange and black Halloween themed shapes can be glued by the kids . Cutting open a Jack o lantern is messy and they can get bored watching you do all that, but a face can be drawn on the pumpkin and the top removed by you. Pulling out the squishy insides is fun for them and can be an opportunity for vocabulary building. have pitchers of water and a basin available for washing and lots of newspaper for the mess. Save the seeds for washing and salting and baking for a snack. Remember to take some pictures if you can and later have them tell you the story of what they did and how it felt. You can start a classroom journal of activities with pictures and read them back another time.
have a lovely time.

This is for the ladies looking for ice cream cone cupcakes, they are all about the same

These cupcakes are fun and easy to make. And the best part is there's no paper cup to throw away, so they are great for family camping or picnics.

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes
1 box cake mix, any flavor
1 can frosting
24-30 flat-bottomed ice cream cones, any type
Mix cake batter according to directions on the box. Fill ice cream cones about half full with batter. (Use an ice cream scoop for easier filling.) Place cones in muffin tins. Bake according to cake box instructions for cupcakes.
Cool and frost.
Marlene from Fl

To Florence in Indiana who wanted recipes for 1 or 2. If you don't have one, buy a 2 qt crockpot. Mine cost $8.50 at Walmart. Once you start using it, it becomes a habit. Fix for 2 using cut down versions of old recipes, google recipes for 1 or 2, etc. Can put 2nd half in fridge for next day or freeze in bag or container, to eat later.
Knitter in Illinois

Re: the various pasta cookers. I use a 5 cup Gladware container, fill it half way with water, add 4 ounces of pasta. Put lid on top all the way, then loosen one corner. Cook it is microware for 4 minutes. Carefully remove lid, I hold container with a folded dish towel and use a form to loosen the lid at the corner I loosened earlier. Pour into strainer and proceed in whatever way you want. Why spend money on a special container when it is not necessary?
Knitter in Illinois

This is for Chris in NM. I squeezed the water out of the frozen zucchini, I guess that's what i did wrong. I will try to do them again and let you know.
Roberts wife in Ohio.

Heidi in Maine,
I am using just the basic sourdough starter. Not the sweet one.
1 (.25 oz.) package active dry yeast
2 c. warm water
2 c. all-purpose flour

In a large non-metallic bowl, mix together dry yeast, 2 c. warm water, and 2 c. flour and cover loosely.

Leave in warm place to ferment, 4 to 8 days. Depending on temperature and humidity of kitchen, times may vary. Place on cookie sheet in case of overflow. Check occasionally. I stirred mine 3-4 times a day. When mixture is bubbly and has a pleasant sour smell, it is ready to use. When you use from the starter you have to replace water and flour with the same amounts you removed.

I have not refrigerated mine. I'm using it fast enough I don't have to. I found a lot of my information on allrecipes. I started mine in a four cup glass measuring cup and have had to transfer to my largest Tupperware bowl (and that is almost clear to the top). I have also been feeding mine once a day if I don't use it. I'm really enjoying working with this sourdough starter. I have a wonderful sourdough wheat bread recipe that I've been making. Tomorrow I'm going to try just the basic white sourdough bread. I want to experiment with some spices and herbs. Maybe tomato/basil or Italian. Sourdough bread makes the best grilled cheese or panini. The wheat bread would be wonderful toasted. Good luck and have fun with it.

Angie in Ohio
Thank you to everyone that responded to my quest for sourdough recipes :-)

Thank you Barb of San Diego for the Chocolate Malt Milk Ball cake and icing. Between you and Nancy, I'll have the perfect cake.
Barb - La Porte, IN

To Janet in Tennessee from the August 4, 2008 Recipes :

Shoe peg corn is a very sweet corn found in the same section as all of the other canned vegetables in your local grocery store. I just received a wonderful recipe for a corn and bean salsa that called for shoe peg corn. Until I received that recipe, I had never heard of it before.

Since receiving this recipe, I have made the salsa twice, but instead of using the shoe peg corn, I simply buy fresh bi-color super-sweet corn on the cob and cut the kernels off of the cob and use that. It is amazing. This is such a refreshing snack on the hot summer days that we have been
experiencing lately. Here is the recipe:

Corn & Bean Salsa
2-15 oz. cans of black beans, rinsed and drained
2-11 oz. cans of white shoe peg corn, drained (I cut the kernels off of
5 ears of fresh, uncooked corn instead )
6 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
6 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 and 1/2 to 2 tsp. powdered cumin
1/2 c. chopped red onion (I used a vidalia onion)
1/4 c. chopped cilantro (fresh-the more the better, I found)
1/2 tsp. salt
3 or more finely chopped Jalepeno peppers (fresh-OR you can use Mrs. Renfros Jalepeno peppers from a jar ... chop them finely;

I used a full red bell pepper in place of the Jalepeno peppers and it was still delicious)
1 to 2 c. chopped fresh tomatoes

Combine all, let sit overnight in the refrigerator. Makes 10 cups. (For Weight Watchers people, 1 cup=3 points) I serve the salsa with organic blue corn chips...it is very delicious, and I don't typically care for the taste of cumin in anything.
Diane in Grafton

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I'm looking for a recipe for fried chicken with TONS of flavor.
Sarah, MN

For Paula about Halloween
Here are a few ideas that first graders love. Also, two teacher sites that I check when I am searching for new ideas are www.thevirtualvine.com and http://carlscorner.us.com Good luck.

Witches' Hats: Students can make these. You'll need a Keebler's Fudge striped cookie, a Hersey's Kiss, and orange decorator icing for each student. Turn the cookie upside-down so that the stripes face down. Sit the unwrapped Kiss on top of the cookie hole. Pipe some orange icing around the seam between the cookie and the Kiss creating a hat band. If you can, make a small orange bow with the icing.

Eyeballs: Make Rice Krispy Treats and form into 1 to 2 inch round balls. Roll in powdered sugar. Implant a blue M&M for the iris and dot with black gel or icing for the pupil.

Sorry to be so late in getting back with the recipe for the Bailey's bundt cake but I have had my granddaughter visiting for a week. Ended up spending our time shopping as the weather was too stormy to go in the pool. Anyway, the recipe is called Irish Cream Bundt Cake and is from: allrecipes.com. If you can't get into that web site just let me know and I will get my copy out to you .Thanks for the info to do the castor sugar. Well, I'm off to make a peach pie as my husband went ahead and bought the peaches for me and they really need to be used! Happy baking!
Babs in JAX

Recipes Reply to Ann in Middle Georgia From Lynn aka WhisperingPassWembley , Alberta , Canada Freezing Buttermilk Yes you can freeze butter milk. It is best to freeze it in 1 cup amount that most recipes call for. Ann I just make my own as I need it using either vinegar or lemon juice.

Aug 3/03 Recipes Reply to Paula new pre school teacher Web sites you should save are

Cinnamon Pickles
Day 2 It says to drain and rinse mix vinegar alum food coloring and enough water to cover and simmer for 2 hours. Does this mean to simmer the pickles for 2 hours? I would think this would make them soft.

Life and Times of Sigmund Freud Kitty in his own words)

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