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Nancy Rogers
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Duplicate newsletter deletes will be done on Thursday.
Nancy Rogers

This is for the lady that wanted to make cupcakes in ice cream cones. I have always made them by adding the cake batter to the cones and then baking but the bottoms were always soggy. I then read somewhere to put the cake batter into your greased or lined cupcake pans and invent the cone on top of the batter and bake. I have much better success doing it this way. Worth a try!
Have a great day everyone
Diane WNY

A great soup I have made for many years. One of my daughters wrote me today and wanted the recipe so thought I would share it with everyone. It makes enough for four if not the main meal or with sandwiches.

Marti in AL

Cream Of Mushroom Soup
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons finely minced shallots
1 pound sliced mushrooms
4 tablespoons flour
1 quart chicken broth
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1 cup half & half
1/4 cup sherry

Melt butter in a 4 quart saucepan, add the shallots and soften, add mushrooms and saut?over high heat, stirring often for 10 minutes. Stir in flour and add the broth, salt ad pepper. Bring to a full boil, reduce heat and simmer partly covered 45 minutes. Add the cream, remove from the heat, stir in sherry and serve.

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I tried the Peach Delight that was submitted by Sue, SC. It was very good, but I could not find any peach glaze anywhere. I went to at least 4 different stores. They all had Strawberry glaze, but not peach. Therefore, I ended up making my own glaze. I put the peaches in Fruit Fresh so I didn't have to worry about them discoloring.
Nancy in MT

Brenda could you tell us how you put the recipes into Master Cook. I have version 9 and all my recipes are still on my Outlook Express. I really need to get them moved before I break my hard drive!!
Nancy B

Someone asked for a recipe for Spaghetti O's. I found this one while looking for another recipes. I used to make it for my kids years ago. The last time I was going to make it I couldn't find the ring macaroni. Hopefully someone can help me with the recipes I was looking for. It is a type of stir-fry except the veggies and Ram? noodles are cooked in a booth and meat strips put over the top. I have tons of Pillsbury booklets and I think it was in one of them. The following recipes came from Pillsbury Festive Autumn recipes, Classic #11. It cost $1.98.

Skillet Sp-o-ghetti Rings and Wieners
3 quarts water
3 tsp salt
1 Tbls oil
2 1/2 cups "American Beauty Sp-o-ghetti Rings
1 lb. wieners, sliced crosswise
1/4 cup chopped onions
2 Tbsp margarine or butter
1 cup shredded American Cheese
1/2 cup water
10-1/4 oz can condensed tomato soup

Boil water in large deep pot with salt and oil. Add Rings; stir to separate. Cook uncovered after water returns to a full rolling boil for 4 to 5 minutes. Stir occasionally. Drain and rinse under hot water.
In a large skillet, fry wiener with onion in margarine over medium heat. Add cheese, water and soup. Cook until cheese is melted, stirring constantly. Stir in cooked Rings and cook until heated through 6 servings.
Nancy in MT

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I'm looking for a recipe for Potato Sausage. I understand the Swedish people eat this at Christmas time.
Grandma O, IL

Good morning all,
We had chicken curry for dinner and I was a little heavy handed on the fenugreek. We needed something light and I came up with a bramble cheesecake in a glass. Our brambles (blackberries) are a good bit earlier than usual, I managed to pick 5 ozs so here is what I did with them.

Bramble cheesecake in a glass
(2 servings)

5 ozs brambles (blackberries)
4 gingernut biscuits, crushed (place in a plastic bag and bash with your rolling pin)
l tbsp golden caster sugar (a finer sugar than granulated)
l lemon, finely ground zest and the juice
knob of butter, melted
2 tbsp icing (confectioners) sugar
l/2 of a 250g tub mascarpone
Small Meringue nest broken up (optional)

Toss the brambles, caster sugar and 1 tbsp of lemon juice in a small pan. Heat gently for 4 minutes just until the berries start to burst. Leave to cool.

Mix the crushed biscuits with the melted butter. Divide between two glasses. Gently fold the rest of the lemon juice, zest, icing sugar and meringue (if using) into the mascarpone. Divide the cheesy mix between the glasses, then spoon over the brambles and their syrup.

If you must - serve with a sprig of mint on the top. I prefer a tooth pick on the side.


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For Janet in Tennessee. Shoe peg corn is a white corn. Green giant has it in the cans or you can also get it frozen. Just look for shoepeg corn on the label.
Joan in Tennessee

Hello Nancy,
I am seeking a pudding type recipe called "Dorte Torte" that has a chocolate topping of some kind. It was served at a meeting I attended and was in a 9x13 dish and I believe it had graham cracker crumbs mixed in - not as a bottom crust. Thanks Nancy for all your hard work.
Millie in MO

Hello everyone, I would like some help with a T&T recipe for Country Steak usually made with cube steak. I have had it in restaurants but have never had a good homemade version of this. I appreciate all that Nancy does with this newsletter and look forward to my copy every evening.
Lila in Alabama

Chicken Noodle Casserole
3 c. cooked, diced chicken
2 eggs, well beaten
6 slices bread
1 can cream of mushroom soup
2 cans chicken noodle soup
1 stick margarine (melted)
1 c. cornflakes

In large bowl: cube bread slices. Pour melted margarine over bread and mix. Add diced chicken, eggs, mushroom soup and chicken noodle soup. Mix until well blended. Pour into lightly greased casserole dish. Cover with 1 cup cornflakes. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees.

Linda NM

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Rice Krispie Caramel Bars
8 c. Rice Krispies
2 (10 oz.) bags miniature marshmallows
1/2 c. butter
1 bag Kraft caramels
1/4 c. butter
1 can sweetened condensed milk

First Layer:
Melt 1/2 cup butter and 1 1/2 bags marshmallows; add Rice Krispies. Roll 3/4 of mixture on bottom of greased jelly roll pan.

Second Layer:
Pour on remaining 1/2 bag of marshmallows.

Third Layer:
Melt caramels, 1/4 cup butter and sweetened condensed milk. (Have this ready first as it takes a long time to melt caramels.) Pour on marshmallows.

Fourth Layer:
Pat on remaining Rice Krispies mixture. These freeze well.
Linda NM

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Malted Milk Loaf
2 tbsp golden syrup
3 oz butter
2 tbsp cocoa powder
6 oz crushed digestive biscuits (graham crackers)
1 x 6 oz packet malted chocolate balls

Line a 1lb loaf tin with non-stick paper. Melt the butter and syrup over a gentle heat. Stir in the cocoa powder, digestive biscuits and half the chocolate balls. Allow to cool for 5 minutes then stir in the remainder of the chocolate balls. Turn the mixture into the prepared tin, place in fridge to set for a couple of hours or so.
Sylvia <Scotland>

Can I ask what golden syrup is? I'd like to try the recipe!!!
Thanks, Lori

Oven Fried Chicken
2 lg. chicken breasts (split)
1-1/2 c. cornflakes, crumbled
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. paprika
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 c. cooking oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine cornflake crumbs with garlic powder and paprika. Dip the breast pieces in the egg and then roll them in the seasoned cornflake crumbs. Line a shallow baking dish with aluminum foil and place the chicken breasts on foil and bake for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan. When very hot, drizzle the oil over chicken. Bake uncovered for about 1 hour. Serves 4.


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Bisquick Oven Fried Chicken

1 tbsp. margarine or butter
2/3 c. Bisquick baking mix
1-1/2 tsp. paprika
1-1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 1/2 to 3 1/2 lb. broiler fryer chicken, cut up

Heat oven to 425 degrees. Melt margarine in rectangular pan, 13 x 9 x 2 inch in oven. Mix baking mix, paprika, salt and pepper; coat chicken. Place skin sides down in pan. Bake 35 minutes. Turn, bake about 15 minutes or until done. 6 servings.


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I have a question about cooking a Texas sheet cake... I am wanting to convert some of my double layer recipes to a Texas sheet cake. We have opened a breakfast/lunch spot along with a pizzeria and am wanting to make a dessert of the day. For now, a sheet cake would be simplest until we get all the kinks worked out. It will be baked in a regular oven. Any suggestions for adjustments?
Make it a GREAT day!
Lisa (East Texas)

Apple Slice Snack
1 lg. unpeeled apple, cored, quartered
3/4 c. creamy or chunk peanut butter
1-1/2 c. slightly crushed Cornflakes

Cut each apple quarter into 3 slices. Spread cut sides of apple slices with peanut butter. Roll in Cornflakes. Makes 12 slices.

Linda NM

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A simple and easy cake for those chocolate lovers.

Flourless Chocolate Cake
adapted from

4 ounces fine-quality bittersweet chocolate (not unsweetened; I used Valhrona)
1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter
3/4 cup sugar
3 large eggs
A small pinch of salt
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder plus additional for sprinkling

Preheat oven to 375?F and butter an 8-inch round baking pan. Line bottom with parchment paper, then butter the parchment as well.

Chop chocolate into small pieces. In a double boiler or metal bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water melt chocolate with butter, stirring, until smooth. Remove top of double boiler or bowl from heat and whisk sugar into chocolate mixture. Add eggs, and pinch of salt and whisk well. Sift 1/2 cup cocoa powder over chocolate mixture and whisk until just combined. Pour batter into pan and bake in middle of oven 25 minutes, or until top has formed a thin crust. Cool cake in pan on a rack 5 minutes and invert onto a serving plate.

Dust cake with confectioners? sugar or with cocoa powder.
I love to serve mine with homemade whipped cream and strawberries.

You can make a chocolate glaze for this. See here: chocolate glaze

Makes one 8 inch cake.
For pictures visit my food blog
Dawn - Cape Cod, MA

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Ann in middle Georgia asks about freezing buttermilk. I've never tried freezing it, but I save about 1/2 cup in a glass jar in the fridge for months at a time to use as a starter. Only requirement is planning ahead 24 hours. (You must buy buttermilk with active cultures to start the process, so read the carton label)
The day before you need the buttermilk, mix the starter in a pint jar along with a pinch of salt and skim or nonfat milk to the top of the jar. (I use a small wire whip) Let it sit out on your counter for 24 hours and you will have buttermilk for cooking/baking.
This can be made in larger quantities if you wish. Just remember to save starter in the fridge for the next time it's needed.
Note, if your room temperature is very cool, this process may take a bit longer.

Fried Green Tomatoes
1 lb. firm green tomatoes (about 4 med.)
3 tbsp. flour
3 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp. sugar
1 1/4 c. cornflakes crumbs
2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1 egg
2 tbsp. water
Vegetable oil

Trim top and bottom ends off tomatoes and cut into 3/4 inch slices. Drain on paper towels and set aside. In small bowl, combine flour, cheese, sugar, salt and pepper, mix well and set aside. In another bowl, beat together egg and water; set aside. In a third small bowl, or on a paper towel, place cornflake crumbs. Dip each tomato slice in flour mixture, then egg mixture and finally in crumbs. Coat thoroughly in each step. Set coated slices aside to dry slightly. In skillet, heat vegetable oil to cover bottom of pan. Cook tomato slices until golden brown, about 4 minutes on each side, drain, and serve immediately.

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Fried Green Tomatoes #2
1 tbsp. brown sugar
1 c. all-purpose flour
4-6 med. green tomatoes, sliced 1/2" thick
1 egg, beaten
1/4 c. milk
1 c. seasoned dry bread crumbs
3 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. cooking oil

Combine sugar and flour; place on a shallow plate. Dip both sides of each tomato slice into the mixture. Combine egg and milk. Dip each tomato slice; then dip in bread crumbs. In a skillet, heat butter and oil over medium-high. Fry until brown on both sides, but firm enough to hold their shape.

Fried Tomatoes (Red or Green)
2 firm tomatoes
1 egg
1/4 c. cracker meal
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. black pepper
3 tbsp. shortening

Slice tomatoes; dip in beaten egg and then in cracker meal to which salt and pepper have been added. Cook in shortening until golden brown on both sides. Serves 4.

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Hi Nancy and friends: I have a request. My mom is diabetic and I usually go to a sugar free bakeries approximately 30 minutes from the house to get her some muffins. But, with the cost of gas, I want to try baking them for her myself.

They are sugar-free; and also made with ?almond flour/mixture and are also low carbs and hardly any fat, but they taste great.

My moms favorite ones are lemon. Does anyone have a tnt recipe to share? Thanks for all responses.
Linda in NH

Paula regarding Halloween ideas: I hesitated to suggest an art idea before as it involves a staple gun but will post it now in case you feel your kids are able to do it. You can make three -D pumpkins by having the children cut out two large pumpkin shapes at the same time (paper back to back)from orange construction paper. Draw a face. There are two ways of doing this now. The first way is to help them staple the two papers together every inch or so around till you get to the bottom. Leave enough space for their hand to be able to stuff it. Start stuffing the pumpkin with torn and crunched up pieces of newspaper or tissue paper.

Finish stapling it closed. The second way is to make it with out using a stapler. Punch holes with a hole puncher and sew it together with yarn. I used to attach a piece of yarn making them hanging mobiles. The nice thing about this idea is how many time I have used it for other themes and often to make 3 D bulletin boards. You could also use two paper plates front to front , punch holes, sew around, paint and decorate to make pumpkin or jack o lanterns.

I think you might be able to cut a Bell pepper in half the long way and use it for printing pumpkin shapes . A shallow paper plate with orange tempera paint and paper for printing on is all you will need. Printing the shape over and over again in a kind of collage effect would be fun.

Dear Nancy, Landers, and all 4-legged family/associates,

I have been making this for too many years to claim. I adopted the recipe from my cousin after eating hers once. We call it Franny Fried Chicken. I soak the chicken 5-10 minutes in cold water then blot on paper towels. I salt, pepper, and then sprinkle Italian Seasoning over all. Then I dredge with flour and place in hot oil as usual. While frying, the Italian seasoning permeates the chicken with flavor and adds interest to the milk gravy made with the drippings. Great on pork chops, too.
Meemaw in Indy

Hi All....just a quick correction to the Apple Cobbler recipe I submitted in the Aug 5th newsletter. It should say 8 apples, PEELED and then sliced.
Sorry about that! :)
Barb in San Diego

For Florence in Indiana who is looking for recipes for two. I get recipes from
"Cooking for Two" I also subscribe to their magazine Cooking for 2 through the mail. The recipes are so tasty and easy to make. You can also subscribe to their free e-mail newsletter on line.
Betty in MD

Top Of The Morning Out There In Recipe Land,
I am submitting a response to Sarah in MN for fried chicken. The following recipe is the only one I will use ever again because it is the very best. Granted it is a mess to prepare, but I must add it is well worth it. As for the flavor, you can add what ever spices you like. I use a lot of garlic powder and paprika. I also fry it in an electric skillet. Hope you enjoy. Try it, it's worth it.

Better Than Best Fried Chicken
4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - I use dark meat
1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of chicken soup
1 egg
seasoning salt to taste
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon paprika
salt and pepper to taste
oil for frying

In a shallow dish or bowl combine the soup, egg and seasoning salt (be careful, as soup is already salted); mix together. Dip chicken in mixture and turn to coat completely. Set aside.

In a resealable plastic bag mix together the flour, cornstarch, garlic powder, paprika, salt and pepper. One at a time, place chicken pieces in bag, seal and shake to coat. Add more flour and/or cornstarch as necessary, but add them in equal parts (there should be an equal amount of each in the mixture).

Place coated chicken on a platter and allow to sit until it becomes doughy (this is critical, to ensure crispiness when fried). Heat oil in a deep skillet over medium heat; be sure to use enough oil to cover chicken pieces. Once chicken is doughy, test oil by dropping a piece of the 'dough' into it; the oil is ready when it starts to fry immediately. Fry chicken pieces in oil for about 7 to 10 minutes each, or until cooked through and juices run clear.

Drain on paper towels and serve.
This is the juiciest fried chicken you will ever eat. No plain ole fried for me.

Scooch in Jacksonville, Florida

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I found this recipe in an old magazine and decided to give it a try as I had all the ingredients on hand. I tweaked it around a bit for the family and it was actually really tasty for a quick dinner. I made nachos as a side and we were good to go.

Barbecued Chicken Burritos
3 chicken breasts, poached and shredded
olive oil
1 green bell pepper, julienned
1 green pepper, julienned
1 onion, julienned
Tony Chacherie?s Seasoning
barbecue sauce
shredded Mexican cheese
flour tortillas (10-?)

I poached the chicken breasts in the crock pot with salt and pepper for 3 hours on high (I was at work while this part was going.) I drained off the chicken and shredded it. Put the veggies in a skillet and cooked down until limp in the olive oil. Add the seasoning as the veggies were cooking. Mixed the barbecue sauce in with the chicken by hand until it reached the consistency I liked. Warmed up the tortillas in the microwave and served up the chicken with the veggies and cheese. Some nachos finished off a meal that was easy after a day at work and the family enjoyed. (The kids thought it was FUN.)
Susana in Louisiana

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Cinnamon Pickles
Day 2 It says to drain and rinse mix vinegar alum food coloring and enough water to cover and simmer for 2 hours. Does this mean to simmer the pickles for 2 hours? I would think this would make them soft.
yes boil them for two hours and the ones she canned are not soft they have a little crunch to them.

And also the teacher looking for ideas Crayola has a wonderful site. It has lots of ideas and printable pages. I use this all the time in home school.
Amy Byrd

Ho Nancy and your so very smart kitties, I just can't imagine having a cat that smart, I know they amaze you every day.

Enjoy your newsletter and all the nice people that write in with recipes and very nice information. Does anyone know what the temp. should register when a loaf of bread is done, I saw it somewhere and can't remember where. Sometimes I make a smaller loaf than what the recipe bake time calls for.

Also can someone give me a good recipe for prime rib that is fool proof. I had a very good one but lost all my recipes when computer crashed.
Thank you in advance if anyone can help.
Lois in Va.

While all the packing is going on for my move to a new place both cats are enjoying watching. Ditto loves boxes of any size. Siggy loves any kind of different activities and being able to watch.  During the packing some of their favorite toys have been found and both of them are excited about the toys.
Nancy Rogers

Life and Times of Sigmund Freud Kitty in his own words)

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