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Suzie in NW Michigan wrote, "Graham mom loved him!"

Forty years ago my young son loved to watch Graham Kerr when he was sick at home with tonsil infections. (The problem ended with tonsil removal, but his interest in cooking persisted.)

In high school he approached the chef at an expensive local restaurant to work for free in order to learn to cook. After a few months he was hired part-time until he graduated.

He then went on to cook in restaurants in several states to finance his college degree. He has been a mechanical engineer for many years, but still loves to cook. Thanks, Graham Kerr

Things You Never Knew Existed...where the UNUSUAL is usual!
Includes As Seen on TV Items
Email Address for Spooky Halloween Items!

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Hi Nancy and kiddies, this is for Emma.
Emma, once you have all 7 jars filled. (1) How are they stored? ( How long a shelf life do they have?
Thanks, Joe from Leavenworth

Baking and Cooking How to Articles
(includes shipping cookie tips and troubleshooting cookies)

For Debbie in Lockhart, I just found this recipe for Kings Hawaiian bread and
am going to try it. I love that bread it is so good.
Roz in Indy

King's Hawaiian Bread
6 cups plain flour
3 eggs
1 cup pineapple juice
1 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 teas. ginger
1 teas. vanilla
2 pkg. yeast
1 stick margarine

Beat eggs; add pineapple juice, water, sugar, ginger, vanilla and melted margarine. Put 3 cups flour in a large mixing bowl. Add egg mixture and stir until well mixed. Sprinkle in yeast, 1 package at a time,
mixing well. Gradually add other 3 cups flour. Batter will be hard to mix with spoon. You may have to use your hand. Make sure it's mixed well. Leave batter in bowl and cover with cloth and place in warm place. Let rise 1 hour. Remove from bowl and knead in 1/2 cup flour. Knead about 10 times. Divide into 3 equal parts and place in well greased round cake pans. Cover and place in warm place and let rise about 1 hour. Bake at 350 degrees 25 to 30 minutes
Roz in Indy and Robbie IN

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Dear Nancy, this is for Paul McGowan who wanted a Gelato recipe. It was in our local newspaper today. The recipe is a basic one to which you could add other items instead of the pecans in this one.

Toasted Pecan Gelato
2 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
2/3 cup light brown sugar
4 large egg yolks, room temp.
Pinch salt
l cup toasted pecans, ground
l/2 t vanilla extract

Place the milk, cream and 1/3 cup of the brown sugar in a small pan and cook over low heat, whisking from time to time, until warm, about 175 degrees.

Place the egg yolks, 1/3 cup brown sugar and salt in a small metal bowl and mix until completely mixed. Add 1/4th cup of the warm milk mixture to the eggs, whisking all the while. Continue adding milk to the eggs 1/4 cup at a time until you have added about 1 1/2 cups. Slowly, whisking all the while, return the milk and egg mixture to the remaining milk mixture in the pan and continue cooling until it just begins to thicken or peaches about 185 degrees.

Do not allow mixture to boil. Pour through a strainer into metal bowl. Discard the solids. Add the pecans and stir well. Set aside until it reaches room temp. and add the vanilla. Cover and refrigerate until it reaches 40 degrees, about 3 hours. Transfer to an ice cream maker and proceed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

(Recipe from "Ice Cream: 52 easy recipes for year round frozen treats by Sally Sampson.)
Dee in W. Lafayette

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Chris in NM is the lucky recipient of a "ton of peaches" and wants recipe suggestions.
If I received those peaches, I'd take some of them and make peach jam. Then we could enjoy them on homemade sourdough english muffins all winter long.

Gail in LA asks about skin on whiting
Whiting can be prepared like any other mild, white-fleshed fish. I prefer to prepare it without the skin attached.
I have found the skin easy to remove from the fillets BEFORE thawing. Lift the skin at the narrow tail end and grasp with a pair of pliers. Then gently peel it toward the wide end. It usually comes off in one

For Gail, LA on Aug. 24:

Baked Whiting for 4
1 lb. skinless whiting fillets
1 1/2 c. sliced fresh mushrooms
1/2 c. chopped onion
1 T. olive oil
1 c. chopped tomato
2 T dry white wine
1/2 t. crushed thyme
1/8 t. pepper
In large skillet, saut?mushrooms & onions in oil until onion is tender. Add remaining ingredients. Cut piece of heavy duty aluminum foil twice length of baking pan. Place foil in pan and spray w/non-stick
coating. Arrange fish in single layer on foil. Top each fillet w/equal portions of vegetable mixture. Bring foil up over fish & close all edges w/ airtight double folds. Bake 350 for 10-15 min or until fish flakes.
Athena in DE

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This is for JoAnn in Brookfield, Wi, who in the 8/16/08 newsletter wanted a recipe for pretzels. This is the recipe that I use. I can?t be certain, as I failed to note on the recipe where I got it, but I think it came from Dennis at the Prepared Pantry.
Robbie In

2 tablespoons butter
4 to 5 cups bread flour
1 packet instant yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 cups milk at 110 degrees
1 teaspoon salt
3 to 4 quarts water
2 tablespoons salt
1 egg
1 tablespoon water
coarse salt

Melt the butter in the microwave and set it aside to cool. With shortening or butter, grease a large bowl for the dough.

Put about 1/3 of the flour in the bowl of your stand type mixer equipped with a dough hook. Add the yeast and sugar. Add the milk at the indicated temperature.

With the dough hook, run the machine for thirty seconds to mix the water with the flour to create a slurry. Add half of the remaining flour, the salt, and the melted butter. Begin mixing at medium speed adding enough of the remaining flour to form a soft dough. Mix at medium speed for about four minutes or until the gluten has formed and the dough is elastic. The dough should be soft but not too sticky. To reach the right consistency, you may need to dribble a little extra water (maybe one tablespoon) or flour as the dough is kneading. Place the dough in the prepared bowl and cover it to keep the dough from drying out while it rises. Let it rise until it doubles. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Roll the dough out into a rectangle about 12 x 12-inchs. Cut the dough into ?- inch wide strips. Take each and pull them into 16-inch ropes. Form knots. Place them on a greased baking sheet.

Bake the pretzels for four minutes and then remove the sheet from the oven. While the pretzels are baking, start the water to boiling with the salt added. Turn the oven temperature down to 350 degrees.

Boil the pretzels, several at a time, for two minutes, turning once. (We find it easier to set a one-minute timer, turn the pretzels over with tongs, and set the timer again.) Place the pretzels on paper towels to drain. After they are drained, place them back on the baking sheets.

Mix the egg yolk and a tablespoon of water together for an egg wash. With a pastry brush, brush the wash on the pretzels. Sprinkle them with coarse salt. Immediately after sprinkling salt on the pretzels, bake them for 23 to 25 minutes or until golden. (If you let the salt sit in the egg wash before baking the salt will start to dissolve.) Remove the baked pretzels to wire racks to cool.

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Clearance at!

Oma in TN requested a recipe to use fresh peaches that would taste like dried peaches when canned to make fried peach pie filling. This is posted on internet from the Augusta Free Press by Nina Wood - June 2008.

Peach Filling for Fried Pies
1 gallon ripe peaches (unpeeled)
1 cup vinegar
4 cups sugar
Nutmeg to taste

Cut peaches into small pieces, placing them into a large, heavy bottomed pan. Add 1 cup vinegar to peaches. Stir 4 cups sugar into the peach and vinegar mix. Place heavy bottomed pan on medium-low heat and cook for 1-1/2 - 2 hours or until thick. Stir often so peaches do not burn. Remove from heat and let cool before filling fried pie crusts. Can be sealed in jars or frozen for future use.

Fried Pie Crust
5 cups plain flour
1 cup shortening
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 large can evaporated milk

Mix dry ingredients; cut into shortening. Add one large can of evaporated milk. Roll dough thin and cut out rounds using a saucer as a pattern. Fill dough with pie filling and fold in half. Dampen edges with water and seal with a fork. Fry in hot shortening. Drain on paper towels.
Sue in TN

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Mini_Pie Pans
      Mini Pie Pans
Fried Pie Dough Press
        Dough Press

REPLY TO Paul McGowan
If you go to our recipe message board, I have a lot of gelato recipes there and they are all TNT. Look For The Ice Cream Section
Lynn aka WhisperingPass Wembley, Alberta, Canada

Kathy W ask for this punch in the Aug 24 news letter this is so good
Caroline MO

Baby Blue Punch
2 (0.13) packages unsweetened berry blue Kool-Aid
2 cans frozen Pina colada mix
1 liter bottle club soda or any clear soda
2 c. sugar (if using unsweetened Kool Aid)
2 qt's. cold water

Combine Kool Aid, sugar and Pina colada mix in punch bowl. Stir until sugar dissolves. Add 2 quarts cold water and stir. Immediately before serving add 1 liter of soda.
Caroline MO

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I made a error in my Fresh Peach Pie recipe in the August 24th newsletter, and I do apologize. I did proof read it before sending, but somehow it got past my eyes. The recipe calls for 1 TBSp. lemon juice and not 1 tsp. lemon juice. Sorry. I am enclosing another quick and delicious dessert recipe guaranteed to satisfy every chocolate lovers sweet tooth!

Impossible Brownie Dessert
3 eggs
dash of salt
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 cup Bisquick baking mix
2 tbsp. soft butter
3/4 cup sugar
4 level tbsp. baking cocoa
1/2 cup flaked coconut
1-1/4 cups milk

Mix all ingredients for one minute at medium speed in a blender, or can beat in a bowl with an electric mixer for one minute. Pour into a greased 9 inch pie plate. Bake at 350? for 30 to 35 minutes, or until
top is firm. Serve warm or cold with whipped cream, if desired. A cake-like crust forms on the top and bottom and a luscious chocolate custard in between. Yummy!
Judy (in Alaska)

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To Betty T. in Ga.
Your eggs sound absolutely beautiful! My ex-sister-in-law lives in Atlanta, and I'm going to tell her about the show. I think it's something she would be really interested in.
Barb in San Diego

this is for the Nancylander friend (sorry I don't remember the name) who wanted to know about any canned mushrooms that were from the USA. The one I buy the most often is put out by Giorgio Foods, Inc. and it is their Chunky Style Portabella mushroom in a 7 oz. can. They are wonderful. I love using portabella mushrooms and these are so much easier to use then trying to keep the fresh ones on hand.
Hope this info helps.
Barb in San Diego

This is for Gail in LA. The best way to fix the whiting is to fry it with cornmeal breading. This is how we always cook it. It is really good with tarter sauce and/or ketchup.
Nicol in MS

A couple of weeks ago someone asked what the temperature should be inside a
loaf of home made bread. I found the temperature for Italian bread and it's 200
degrees. Hope this helps. Sorry, I don't remember who asked, or the date of the
Donna in Colorado

Need a tried and true recipe for the lollipop Oreo cookies. One said the double stuff Ore's broke easily.. Please give me a recipe for making these for our church fund raiser.
thanks, Boots in Va.

Recipes Aug. 24. The one using Whink Rust Stain Remover. I have used this and it really works. Just don't let any drop on a surface and not be wiped off. It took the finish off my sink where I sat the bottle and some ran down on to the sink. Otherwise, it is great. I found mine at Wal-Mart.
Shirley B

This is Marlene from Fl, The cook books for feed the hungry are in, if you would like one, please send $12.50 in a check made out to St. Andrew Lutheran Church to me at
Marlene Cavalcante
1064 NW Tuscany Dr. Pt.
St. Lucie Fl. 34986.

All profits go to feed the hungry .

There about 221 recipes in the book along with the story of the church and many cooking tips. and measurements .

For Tish in FL: I made my chocolate pie recipe using Splenda and the pie part set up really well. I used Splenda in the meringue part too. It worked great. The pie was eaten (mostly by me) that same day. I never covered it up or put it in the frig. When I got to the last piece I noticed the browned part was getting a little stiff. I don't know if it was because I never covered it up or what. Covering it up might prevent that. The next time I made the pie, I didn't put the meringue on it and used sugar free Cool Whip. I took it to a pot luck and since I didn't know how it would hold up I used the Cool Whip.
I did notice that the chocolate part had a little salty taste. When I used the meringue on the first one, I didn't notice that. I think it's something in Splenda that makes a few of the things I eaten taste a little salty. Just sweet stuff tho.
Hope this helps.
Sandee in West TN

I do not know who first sent in grape salad recipe but THANK YOU!! Everywhere I take it it is a hit. Nancy Enjoy your new place am happy for you and kitties.
Mary Ann upstate N Y

Hi Nancy....this isn't recipe related, but I hope you'll let me ask anyways.
Since your newsletter reaches so many people, I was wondering if any of them might live in Sun City Austin/Georgetown and if they like it. I'm thinking of moving there to be closer to my son and his family who live in Austin. I toured Sun City last month and liked what I saw, but would like some feedback from anyone who might live there.

Glad your move went smoothly and like Sylvia said you do sound happier and less stressed. (^.^)
Barb in San Diego

Would like to know if anyone has tried making Meringue for pies using Splenda in place of sugar.
Thank you.
Trish in Fl.

In response to Trish in Fl. question in Sundays newsletter 8-24-08using Splenda in meringue I have used it and I thought it worked good but you might it try it and see for yourself my husband and i are diabetic i have used Splenda in regular recipes Hope tis helps you

June in Richmond VA

Thanks to Lori R. in the 8/23/08 newsletter for the Oreo Lollypop directions and link. We have a festival coming up, and our quilt club always sells raffles on a hand quilted quilt that we give away, and we have a bake sale along with it. These will be perfect for the bake sale. Something different yet eye candy enough to peak interest. I hope to do well selling these. How did you present them? Im thinking maybe a clay flower pot with the lollys stuck in a half circle of styrofoam covered with something to hide the foam? Any ideas out there??

Also, thanks to Cookie in South Central TX for the info on Palo Duro. Do you know if there is a website for it? Would love to send the link to my parents so they could travel down memory lane as well.

Congrats Nancy on your new place! We moved from a 4 bedroom apartment to a single wide 3 years ago. Talk about downsizing! We didn't quite downsize enough tho. There is still not enough room for what we thought were the "bare essentials". So actually we still have unpacked boxes that have been
sitting here for 3 years waiting for an empty space to put them in. Maybe next spring we will have yet another yard sale to try to downsize more and finally get this place in order. Have a great day everyone, and thank God for His many blessings!
Dee in S. IL

Help! I have a bizillion cherry tomatoes getting ripe at once. Anyone out there have any recipes that I could use these in would be wonderful!!
Thanks Nancy for all your hard work on the newsletter!!
Denise in Mich

Does anyone have a recipe for Pineapple Meatballs? I want the one that you mix the Pineapple IN the ground meat and make the meatballs.
Mary in Va

Does anyone have a recipe for Pineapple Meatballs? I want the one that you mix the Pineapple IN the ground meat and make the meatballs.
Mary in Va

This is a cheesecake recipe using Splenda for Chris in NM. I make this all the time and when I make it for a friend who cannot have any sugar, I bake it without a crust.

2 pkgs cream cheese (8 ozs)
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla

Mix above until well blended. If making with a crust, put into pie pan or put into a pan lightly sprayed with cooking spray. Bake for approximately 20 minutes at 400 degrees or until tooth pick comes out clean. Cool
Options - substitute 1 tsp of vanilla with Lemon, Lime or Chocolate extract.

1 cup sour cream
3 tbs Splenda
1 tsp vanilla

Spread over cooled cheesecake. Bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees - Cool in refrigerator. Can top with whip cream or fruit of choice when serving. I have never added the sour cream mixture to mine as I like just plain cheese cake. This is definitely TNT & does not effect my blood sugar.
Enjoy Genie from Van,. TX

Four Way Cheesecake
Caddy and Springform Pan

Thanks for your advice and recipe Marie, in TX and Mary Ann Upstate N.Y. I'll be making more pickles and freezing them if I can get them there before my husband eats them all.
Betty in ME.

I am in need of a TNT Italian beef recipe. I need it to make enough to serve about 30 people. So many good recipe come across here but I can recall on for Itailan beef. So if you will share yours I would certainly appreciate it.
Thanks, Gloria, Indiana

Wow Nancy, You move and get yourself set up and still find the time in your busy day to give to us! You are truly amazing! I do hope you will be happy in your new home, along with our furbaby friends! I hope they have adjusted to the new home well.

Nacnyb wanted to know how to cook butter beans. I have been cooking them for many years and just love them. I do them simply, I wash the dried beans and put in a large pot, add 1 large diced onion, some diced garlic, how much is up to you. I add a good pinch of crushed red pepper flakes, then add a left over ham bone with meat on, or if don't have I use 2 meaty ham hocks. Add salt and pepper to taste, go easy on the salt. Now cover with water about 2" above the beans. Bring to a low boil and then reduce the heat and simmer for 2 to 3 hours. We always ate these in a bowl with diced onion and diced tomato on top with plenty of corn bread on the side! You can also do in the crock pot, put everything in and do on low all day. Enjoy!

Sylvia in Scotland! Hello to you, thank you for asking for me, I am finally able to say I feel great! Back on tack and ready to kick up my heels again. I planted a new set of herbs in my garden this past week, and can't wait for them to sprout up. Wish I had a magic wand!
Take care all, Billie in Wet Fl

Baking and Cooking How to Articles
(includes shipping cookie tips and troubleshooting cookies)

HALLOWEEN COSTUMES 4 U - Low Prices on your favorite Halloween Costumes  

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Life and Times of Sigmund Freud Kitty (Told in his own words)

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